Search for a list of your recorded times!

Date Event Name EventResult
24/08/1969YMCA of Canberra Runners Club Winter Series15 Miles1:29:32
31/08/1968YMCA of Canberra Runners Club Winter Series15 Miles1:26:14
04/09/1965YMCA of Canberra Runners Club Winter Series15 Miles1:24:31
06/05/1979Whyalla Marathon42.2km2:36:48
02/10/1965Victorian Championship Marathon42.2km2:44:17
01/07/2017Terry O'Connor's Day1.5 km12:44
18/06/2016Terry O'Connor Day1.5 km10:59
08/10/1966Tasmanian State Marathon42.2km2:46:44
18/05/1985Sutherland Half Marathon21.1km1:19:33
26/05/1984Sutherland Half Marathon21.1km1:15:11
30/04/1977Sutherland Half Marathon21.1km1:16:07
01/05/1976Sutherland Half Marathon21.1km1:13:07
06/05/1978Sutherland Half Marathon21.1km1:15:03
07/05/1988Sutherland Half Marathon21.1km1:20:52
05/05/1973Sutherland Half Marathon21.2km1:14:03
13/07/1980Sutherland 2 Surf11km35:41
08/07/2017Super Series Race 12 km16:04
20/08/2016Super Series Race #52 km14:34
13/08/2016Super Series Race #42 km15:01
06/08/2016Super Series Race #32 km15:29

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