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Date Event Name EventResult
23/11/1929NSWAAA InterclubWomen's Broad Jump14ft 8in
23/11/1929NSWAAA InterclubWomen's Discus Throw58ft 8in
23/11/1929NSWAAA InterclubWomen's 60 Yards Hurdles9.6
15/01/1930NSWAAA International MeetingWomen's High Jump4ft 3.75in
11/01/1930NSWAAA International MeetingWomen's 80m Hurdles Invitation
11/01/1930NSWAAA International MeetingWomen's 100 Yards Invitation Handicap
01/02/1930St George DAAC Club ChampionshipWomen's High Jump4ft 4in
25/01/1930St George DAAC Club ChampionshipWomen's Broad Jump15ft 11.5in
25/01/1930St George DAAC Club ChampionshipWomen's 60 Yards Hurdles9.0

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