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Date Event Name EventResult
18/12/2016NSW Club & Combined Event ChampionshipsWomen Shot Put 4kg U2010.20m
17/12/2016NSW Club & Combined Event ChampionshipsWomen Discus Throw 1kg U2032.43m
09/01/2016NSW Club & Combined Event ChampionshipsWomen Discus Throw 1kg U2031.16m
09/09/2013NSW Combined Catholic Colleges T&F ChampionshipsGirl's Shot Put 16 Years11.67m
09/09/2013NSW Combined Catholic Colleges T&F ChampionshipsGirl's Discus Throw 16 Years30.96m
14/09/2012NSW Combined Catholic SchoolsGirl's Shot Put 3kg 15 Yrs11.36m
14/09/2012NSW Combined Catholic SchoolsGirl's Discus Throw 1kg 15 Yrs29.53m
14/09/2012NSW Combined Catholic SchoolsGirl's Javelin Throw 500g 15 Yrs29.54m
07/02/2016NSW Junior & Youth ChampionshipsWomen Shot Put U2010.51m
13/02/2011NSW Junior & Youth ChampionshipsWomen's Javelin Throw U1626.27m
05/02/2016NSW Junior & Youth ChampionshipsWomen Discus Throw U2033.15m
13/02/2011NSW Junior & Youth ChampionshipsWomen's Shot Put U169.10m
12/02/2011NSW Junior & Youth ChampionshipsWomen's Discus Throw U1627.85m
08/02/2015NSW Junior & Youth ChampionshipsWomen Shot Put U2010.41m
06/02/2015NSW Junior & Youth ChampionshipsWomen Discus Throw U2030.87m
12/02/2012NSW Junior ChampionshipWomen's Javelin Throw U1627.88m
12/02/2012NSW Junior ChampionshipWomen's Shot Put U1610.97m
10/02/2013NSW Junior ChampionshipWomen's Discus Throw U1826.62m
09/02/2013NSW Junior ChampionshipWomen's Shot Put U1811.61m
09/02/2013NSW Junior ChampionshipWomen's Javelin Throw U1830.52m

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