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Date Event Name EventResult
10/10/2013NSW All Schools ChampionshipsBoys Discus Throw 1kg 13 Years34.95m
11/10/2013NSW All Schools ChampionshipsBoys Javelin Throw 600g 13 Years35.68m
26/10/2013Treloar Shield #2Boy's Javelin Throw 600g U1432.69m
26/10/2013Treloar Shield #2Boy's Discus Throw 1kg U1431.56m
26/10/2013Treloar Shield #2Boy's Shot Put 3kg U1410.46m
17/01/2014Illawong Athletics Permit MeetMen's Discus Throw 1kg41.89m
17/01/2014Illawong Athletics Permit MeetMen's Javelin Throw 700g34.98m
08/02/2014NSW Junior ChampionshipsMen's Javelin Throw U1638.77m
09/02/2014NSW Junior ChampionshipsMen's Discus Throw U1645.01m
13/03/2014Australian Junior ChampionshipsMen's Discus Throw U1541.95m
16/03/2014Australian Junior ChampionshipsMen's Javelin Throw U1538.45m
04/10/2014NSW All Schools Warm Up #2Boys Discus Throw 0.75kg & 1kg All Schools45.32m
04/10/2014NSW All Schools Warm Up #2Boys Javelin Throw All Schools40.56m
10/01/2015NSW Club & Combined Events ChampionshipMen's Javelin Throw 700g U1738.71m
10/01/2015NSW Club & Combined Events ChampionshipMen's 15 & Under Discus Throw 1kg U1747.14m
20/01/2015Campbelltown Permit MeetingMen Javelin Throw 700g Open43.61m
20/01/2015Campbelltown Permit MeetingMen Discus Throw 1kg Open48.80m
07/02/2015NSW Junior & Youth ChampionshipsMen Javelin Throw U1642.80m
08/02/2015NSW Junior & Youth ChampionshipsMen Discus Throw U1647.10m
27/06/2015NSW Pre Departure #3Men's Javelin Throw 700g Open38.69m

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