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Date Event Name EventResult
20/03/1926NSW Decathlon ChampionshipsHigh Jump556.06 pts
20/03/1926NSW Decathlon ChampionshipsBroad Jump581.1725 pts
27/02/1926NSW Championships120 Yards Hurdles Handicap
30/01/1926St George A.A.C. Club Championships100 Yards Handicap
30/01/1926St George A.A.C. Club ChampionshipsHigh Jump5ft 5in
30/01/1926St George A.A.C. Club Championships120 Yards Hurdles19.2
30/01/1926St George A.A.C. Club Championships16lb Shot Put29ft 7in
30/01/1926St George A.A.C. Club ChampionshipsBroad Jump18ft 10.25in
30/01/1926St George A.A.C. Club ChampionshipsJavelin Throw146ft 2in
12/12/1925Dunn ShieldDiscus Throw108ft 6in
05/12/1925Sports At KatoombaHigh Jump5ft 4in
05/12/1925Sports At Katoomba16lb Shot Put28ft 5.5in
05/12/1925Dunn ShieldJavelin Throw159ft 2in
14/11/1925McDonald Memorial Cup A Grade InterclubJavelin Throw146ft 3.5in
14/11/1925McDonald Memorial Cup A Grade InterclubPole Vault7ft 6in
14/11/1925McDonald Memorial Cup A Grade InterclubBroad Jump18ft 6.5in
14/11/1925McDonald Memorial Cup A Grade Interclub120 Yards Hurdles19.0
07/11/1925McDonald Memorial Cup A Grade Interclub16lb Hammer Throw66ft 10in
07/11/1925McDonald Memorial Cup A Grade InterclubDiscus Throw91ft 5in
07/11/1925McDonald Memorial Cup A Grade InterclubHop, Step & Jump39ft 3in

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