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Date Event Name EventResult
21/10/2007Burnie Ten10km29:26
18/10/2009Burnie Ten10km30:03
05/04/2009Carlsbad 5000Men's 5000m Open14:05
19/03/2010Christchurch International Track Meeting5000m13:48.28
09/08/2009City 2 Surf14km41:07
10/08/2008City 2 Surf14km42:00
08/08/2010City 2 Surf14km40:59
23/02/2013Fukuoka International Cross Country10km30:21
14/09/2013Galway Kenya Run International Invitational1 Mile3:59
04/08/2012Games of the XXX Olympiad10000m28:32.67
13/08/2016Games of the XXXI OlympiadMen's 10000m28:46:32
01/07/2007Gold Coast Marathon10km30:09
21/03/2013GWS Summer SeriesMen's 5000m Open Albie Thomas Race13:56.28
11/05/2013Healthy Kidney 10k10km29:00
12/05/2012Healthy Kidney 10km Road Race10km28:59
06/02/2010Hunter Track ClassicOpen Men's 3000m7:55.91
03/07/2012Hyundai Grand Prix5000m13:51.95
20/02/2011IAAF Briggs Athletic ClassicMen's 5000m Open13:47.94
05/09/2010IAAF Continental Cup3000m7:58.55
12/07/2012IAAF Diamond League5000m13:37

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